Congratulations to Westview's Top Scorers on SCReady!

These students scored the maximum possible on SCREADY this past spring and were treated to lunch at MIG's!  We appreciate their hard work and the dedication of their teachers!


Abigail Wright - Math (Mrs. McCravy at Mays)

Benjo Smith - ELA (Mrs. Starnes at Lakeview)

Gavin Jenks - Math (Mrs. McKenna)

Triston Boggs - Math (Mrs. McKenna)

Layla Bencebi - ELA (Mrs. Padgett)

Caroline McCartha - ELA (Mrs. Padgett) - Not pictured

Samuel Sebastian - ELA (Mrs. Avery)

Neel Kumar - ELA (Mrs. Avery)

Sai Gurram - ELA AND Math (Mrs. Avery and Mrs. Battles)